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Do you love who you are?

It is a paradox at this time of the year when there is so much love going around , some people feel lonely and inadequate,

Out of the loop.

Ultimately we are all going to have more chance of being loved and cared for by others when we have learned to love and care for ourselves.

There have been 3 instances over the past two weeks where I have been reminded of the importance of loving myself

1. Last week for Beach Notes I wrote a post Do you acknowledge your greatness?

I was struggling with my identity and doubting myself. I then wrote:

Looking at myself,

I sometimes realize

I don’t see in me

the gifts and talents

the way others do !

Do you see what others see in you? Or are you often surprised?

2 The second occurrence was the inspirational  movie The Validator

This is so inspirational, both about self validation and how we can impact on how others see themselves. See if you can relate to both sides of the validation story. I could relate to how I can both give and receive validation.

3. On Wednesday my friend and fellow inspirational blogger Stephanie Bell aka Spirit Coach wrote a wonderful post about self-acceptance. Say Yes to You, You  Fabulous You

The message that comes through for me from these 3 separate incidences, uncovers the importance of  loving oneself .

This can be challenging and often easier said than done.

Stephanie has a great suggestion to get the ball rolling by standing in front of the mirror and saying I love you to that beautiful reflection.

How are you feeling on the self love stakes? What works for you?

Share your gems here!