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Monday Motivation


Remember there’s no such thing as a small
act of kindness. Every act creates
a ripple with no logical end."
– Scott Adams

Yesterday I was reminded of Blog Cataloque"s, Bloggers unite Randon Acts of Kindness Day that I participated in last year and developed a new habit. I am passionate about the beach and keeping it clean.

I have continued on with my randon act of kindness each day we go to the beach. Monday’s we usally go with a plastic bag as there is always more cans, paper cups, and often half full water bottles on the beach.

Sunday was Clean up Australia Day, so one might expect that there would be less litter around.

Admittedly the ASP world surfing (You can watch Taj Burrow) tour is on at Snapper Rocks and the beach was wall to wall people. There are even bins on the beach,

On Monday we had forgotten the bag for collecting rubbish, but were able to fill two bogs we found on the sand, with litter.  I still find it amazing that people don’t respect such a beautiful environment.

Roxy pro

So now I am off to the beach for our daily walk and swim, I wonder how much litter we will find today?