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When Carole Fogarty, from The Healthy Living Lounge, offered to help co-host The Abundance Carnival with me, at the end of last year we intended that it would be a great Abundance and Law of Attraction resource, We also wanted it to be fun, for us and our readers.

There have been some really interesting entries. There have also been too many that were off topic.

Like a real carnival there were some swings and roundabouts!

swings and Roudabouts


Carole and I have decided that the blog carnival is not a carnival anymore as, it’s not fun. We have decided to list 2 carnivals that you might like to consider.

The first one Alex Blackwell’s from The Next 45 Years, Personal Development Carnival. This carnival is dedicated to people who want to share and receive ideas to improve the quality of their relationships, sustain happiness and create lasting success for the next 45 years; and beyond. The current issue features one of my posts, thank you Alex. I felt honored as Alex selects 10 posts each week.

The second one Law of Attraction Blog Carnival, that comes out fortnightly, details are at Evolving Times. The current issue can be read at Ellie Walsh’s Law of Attraction Blog and the details for the next carnival due out this Thursday can be found at Law of Attraction for Beginners.

 For a bit of fun listen here to the song that the title of this post is taken from, by The Seekers, When The Carnival is Over

Thank you to everyone who has taken part and to new friends we have made.

Wishing everyone a deliciously abundant day.