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Special People


These are the people who have chipped in to help me achieve my Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Please visit their Blogs

Mark Wilson aka Anti Hype from the wonderful humorous and helpful Guru-Fodder

Bill Vick  from Xtreme Recruiting a great supporter Bill is contributing a Big Biller DVD for the contest

Glenda Watson Hyatt, the amazing Left Thumb Blogger from Do it Myself Blog

Richard Merritt from Richard Ink he makes the best hand carved pens and pencils

Jodi , one of my loyal readers and a great supporter from Lighteningonline 

Sean P Harry

Gavin Mountford from
Attraction Marketing
Mari Smith, the
Facebook Guru who loves BHAGS
Robert Metras
Joanne Mudd who has been inspired to copy the idea.
Caroline Middlebrook

Aaron from – Spearhead your Website to Success

Sue from