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Another Monday Motivational Saying from John Paul Getty. His formula for success.

Sometimes I feel I have been rewarded for getting up early, when I get to see the beauty of a superb sunrise.

The images I am using for my Monday Motivational Sayings series, were taken on a morning when the moon was still in the sky and then there was the spectacular sunrise.

I know that rising early offers many benefits of beauty like seeing the sunrise over Rainbow Bay.

Last week we also had a magical morning when two whales were breaching quite close in to the shore.

The magic of nature gives me feelings of gratitude. I feel very blessed each morning to live in “paradise”.

Then there is a sense of achievement I feel when I do get up early. Sometimes I can power through a pile of unfiled papers, finish a quilt- usually meeting a deadline!

I am at my most successful when I turn on the computer, having turned off skype and messenger the night before, leave the email unopened, and if I open Firefox, ensure Gmail stays shut.

I usually then can get 2 blog posts written, answer comments, read the blogs I read each morning- after writing, unless I have writers block. I do often wake early and while I am still lying in bed think about what I might write.

Not everybody finds getting up early easy, I think it is worth the effort.

What do you think you could achieve by getting up earlier?

Do you have any tips for helping people become early risers?