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Law of Attraction Interview With Michael Losier.

I have just come off the monthly call I have with Michael Losier which is a bonus I get for being one of Michael’s Law of Attraction Facilitators.  These calls which Michael calls Business Building Calls are fantastic. They keep you in touch both with Michael and other graduates. Each call Michael shares teaching points to help our business grow and we get to share success stories and ask questions. One of the things I love about Michael is the value he adds.This was evident at the training I took almost 2 years ago and what upcoming trainees can expect in his next training in Vancouver in June 24th-27th 2010

Last week I got to talk with Michael about how I came to meet him and became one of his Certified Law of Attraction Facilitators.

You can ask Michael any questions you may have about training with him on a  live Q & A call.

The next one is on

Monday June 7, 2010

8:00 am PST (11:00 am EST) or at 6pm PST (9:00 pm EST)

Details are on this page

be abundant


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