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FROM THIS……………….


Yes this is MINE! I am finally completing a decluttering process I started back in January and it feels great, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks to Ann Rusnak aka The Time Diva and her Focus Mojo program I have some 15 minute time slots blockec to complete this project.

Clearing what’s in this room is the remnants of my Textile art business that I ran for 14 years and moved too much stuff that I thought I would useĀ  when we moved up here 5 years ago.

What does one do with the boxes of photos, slides promo stuff. Do I archive it all? yesterday saw that Aldi had a Digital Film Scanner- maybe that is the answer?

Then there are the rolls of fabric, boxes and trunk full of my painted fabrics, bith large pieces and offcuts that one day are to become quilts and be incorporated into artworks, or will I maybe want to create new stuff?

To answer the question Does Clutter block Your Abundance? I think it can as every time I look into that space I don’t get feelgood feelings.

I get feelings of overwhelm, clearing out also brings memories some great and some I would rather forget(:

So does your clutter block your abundance? Share your thoughts here.

wishing you a high vibe day


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