Thought I would share some posts from my favourite blogs that have great information to help other bloggers.
Wendy Piersall at E-Moms at Home post Do You Have a Seasonal Search Engine Optimization Strategy? and I got to the end of the post and found that Darren from Problogger had a post titled:Seasonal Traffic and How to Capture It for Your Blog
Des Walsh at Thinking Home Business has a great post on How to apply GTD system to blogging something I know I can learn from.
Copyblogger has a great post on Finding time to write, something of interest to all bloggers.
And for those of us who want to change a habit , become more effective in the next 28days, Craig Harper has hi inaugural GYST-Challenge. ( Get- Yer Shit- Together). You need in 200 words to say what you are going to change, starting September 3 and why this time it will be different
And as Social Media is becoming more popular Chris G has a good roundup on this.