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Are You Listening To Your Angels?

Wednesday was a very special day : 09/09/09.  or 999 and I shared this on the Law of Attraction in Action Face Book page:

Three 9’s Today is 09/09/09 Magical Maybe? Here is Doreen Virtue from Healing With The Angels saying: “999-completion. This is the end of a big phase in your personal or global life. Also it is a message to lightworkers involved in earth healing and means. “Get to work because Mother Earth needs you right now.

Daily Guidance Cards by Doreen Virtue

I then mention in my last video that each day I draw an angel card usually from one of Doreen Virtue’s Decks.
I have been using the Daily Guidance from my Angels deck recently.

After getting the Healing with the angels book off my shelf, to checl on the meaning of 999 I then decided to do a reading using the Healing With The Angels Deck- this is the first one that I owned.

I first sat quietly and shuffled the cards connecting with my guides as well as my own inner knowing which can be the same.

I then asked: “Please show me what I need to know to keep movong forward right now.”

The cards below are what I drew. The cards come with a guidebook for interpretation. When I saw these cards they resonated for me and where I am at right now. What follows is my interpretation.

I did type out the meaning of each card from the guidebook. I went save and the words had gone.

I am listening to my angels 🙂

This is my simple reading as it came to me as I placed the cards from left to right.

As I continue to manifest and when I am very clear about what I really do want in my life the abundance flows and will continue to do so and with that comes new friendship and community. There is the reassurance that what I am doing is right and this feels good.

I will keep following my intuition and asking the angels for my daily guidance.

Do you listen to and follow your intuition?

be abundant


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