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Monday Inspiration: Suzie’s BHAG

I posted this last week at Suzie Cheel and yesterday I resubmitted as I saw that the window to be on the show while Oprah is in Australia was still open and I decided to rewrite my application and make it sexier. I also included links to the video and my dream board as well as to the book on Amazon.

I have included the submission below and my plan now is to tweet this out to raise more awareness of this dream. I would love for you to share this with your friends and fans via twitter, facebook, linkedin etc.

I have a Oprahgeous dream: I am committed to empowering the people I call Change Warriors in Hiding. These are people who have a desire to create change in the world, but are held back by fear and self doubt. I know I have been there.

I’m passionately committed to help others in the words of Mahatma Gandhi “Be The Change” I have a Big, Hairy Audacious Goal, (BHAG) to touch & empower 1 million people, my book I have had Oprah on my Dream Board ( many years.When I heard there was to me no more Oprah Show I nearly took her picture off, seems like the universe has others ideas!

From my experience & what I have seen of others, I believe passionately that it is essential to embrace change if we are to develop or rediscover our self-esteem. Because without self-esteem we can’t be of much use to ourselves or others. With strong self-esteem we can all achieve our most outrageous dreams.

My book Emergings: a meditation on the emotions of change incorporates a poem and watercolour paintings I created 25 years ago at a time of major change in my own life. I had a choice to make and I chose the path less traveled & I left a safe secure teaching job to become a full time artist and I created a successful business from that. Now, all these years later and after many requests by others,

I have self-published  the book on Amazon: & will soon be available for the ipad, Android etc.I am committing 20% of this project to KIVA and projects that empower others to create change within their communities.f

This will create a small but powerful ongoing ripple effect of change which I believe will lead to positive change in the world. I know that getting a Harpo Help Up would allow me to realise a my outrageous dream, to make a real difference in the world, Thank you.

To keep up dated and get new of The launch of The Emergings Experience at a huge discount on cyber monday make sure you you are a meber of my Facebook fan page– you might win a book:)

Do you have an outrageous dream? Please share with me.

Love and Gratitude

Suzie Cheel