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Super Abundant Bloggers 26

Welcome To SABs #26 Super Abundant Blogger. The people chosen and their blogs will exemplify abundance, abundant thinking and generosity of spirit: they will also inspire me and I trust you to the reader. This weeks featured Super Abundant Bloggers They make a...

Monday Inspiration: Living Your Dream?

So Have You Lived Your Dream? Today’s inspiration comes via a tweet from Evita Ochel a regular visitor here, to a post titled Have You Lived You Dream from Robin Easton. I was inspired. Sometimes we put our dreams away,...

Monday Inspiration: Leadership=Empowerment

Be Motivated “As we look ahead into the this century, leaders will be those who empower others.” ~Bill Gates I read this quotes last week and thought that will be great for Monday Inspiration. I then was at a loss for an image to go with the quote. This...

The Carnival Is Over

The last edition of The Law of Attraction Carnival has been posted st Ellie Walsh’s blog. Living The Law of Attraction. If you are interested in hosting this carnival – you can contact Ellie here or contact Me here You can watch the video where Ellie and I talk...