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I mentioned, in my second post on Abundant Thinking that I was reading The One Minute Millionaire and that over time I would share some of the various 24 AHAS with you.

When I was reading the 9th Aha: Wealth is Freedom, touched a chord within me. When I am asked what is my life’s passion, what is it I really want my reply is freedom: The freedom to live a life without limits, to be , do and have what I want when I want with whom I want. These words still resonate for me from when I first heard a teleseminar with Lisa Diane back in December. Lisa was the first Internet “guru” or what I prefer to call a mentor who spoke to my true feelings. How important that the word Freedom and the feelings it gives me are. In the 9th AHA the authors Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen say that Life is a seminar. You were enrolled at birth.”

To prepare for that seminar calledYour life” they talk about the following five freedoms:

  • Money Freedom: The first evolutionary step – to become an abundant person -for me this means being totally free, living my dreams, making a difference to my life, my friends and family and the world as a whole.
  • Time Freedom: I like their words -“your work becomes your play” There is time to read, to travel, to contribute and more.
  • With Time and Money Freedom you can have Relationship Freedom- you will have more time to spend with your loved ones, more time for long lunches with great conversation and good friends.
  • Spiritual Freedom: This for me means having inner peace, peace of mind, knowing who I really am and time for that spiritual retreat, like going to Macchu Piccu that Des and I so often talk about. Also for me attending Doreen Virtue’s Angel Intuitiveâ„¢ Advanced Course in Hawaii and swimming with the dolphins
  • Physical Freedom-The authors say that Health is the ultimate wealth. For me this means more time for yoga, walking on the beach, massages and doing more things that make me feel great

These 5 great freedoms that give you Ultimate Freedom- the ability to pursue your real genius, your passions, whatever it is that makes your heart sing.