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Change is in the Air! This is the final edition of the Abundance Thinking Carnival.

There is a new carnival with a new focus and a new name. Simplicity is the key.

Carole Fogarty from the Healthy Living Lounge will co-host with me The Abundance Carnival. We are excited about co-hosting this new look, fortnightly Abundance Carnival.

We feel many carnivals can easily leave you in overwhelm with the number of articles. We have decided to detox and simplify the carnival by featuring only five fabulous and inspiring articles each fortnight.

The carnival will have a monthly theme, thus further simplifying the writing content. Our intention is to make the Abundance Carnival a valuable resource and place where you can find quality articles with inspirational content. We aim to highlight the passionate and thought provoking writers out there in the blogging world whose voice may often get overlooked. We trust you will be impressed with the simplicity yet potent quality of our carnival’s fortnightly content.

Be excited, be very excited.

To lead off this carnival Tina Su from Think Simple. Be Decisive reflects the focus of the new carnival, with a wonderful post with great ideas: 5 Keys to Simplifying Any Concept

Then for some humor and fabulous imagery Joshua Wagner from Total Possibility tells us how Getting your Ducks in a Row has given him his spiritual direction. This is a must read.

Over at The Next 45 Years there has been a fantastic change happening, Alex Blackwell has made the wonderful shift to wordpress with a new design from the boys at Unique Designs, has an inspiring post titled Feel the Music in You : “While allowing my heart to hear the words to the song, it occurred to me that I did indeed own my life. Regret and shame were just pieces of garbage I had been carrying around long enough. But there was still plenty of time and there was still plenty of hope and fight left in me.” Another must read.

A regular GP tells a great story of friendship with her story Come as a Guest Leave as a Friend ending with this wonderful quote : People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Author:Bonnie Jean Wasmund

Gamy Rachel writes Stop coping with Fear, Transform it. How familiar this sounds as she says “Many people are coping with this word FEAR, without realizing it. I have been there, done that, and know what it is like to cope with fear.” I was able to recognize myself here at various stages of my life. As Gamy says: “Your Best Is Beyond Your Fears What a great saying!

The wonderful Beverly Keaton Smith illustrates with a Money Boa in lets Let’s Talk About Money . Beverly says “A fun way to use the law of attraction to bring more money into your life.” leave a comment on her blog about your core belief about money

Shamelle inspired me to listen more with her post If You Want To Be Understood……. saying, “People go to extreme lengths…. in order to be understood. In my opinion, there is one main factor that determines it all. Are you aware of it?”

There are several great posts on The Law of Attraction, firstly Ray Burton writes Does The Law of Attraction Actually Work? asking, “How does this Law of Attraction all work? Actually, does it even work? Well, yes it does. Maybe for different reasons then some people think but it all comes down to the fact that you start to become what you think about most of the time.”

Marcus Hochstadt writes Law Of Attraction? , saying, “When Marcus Hochstadt was a failure and living with just a couple hundred German Marks (received from the government,) has he attracted that? You bet he did! (Today he knows he was; that time he was not aware of that Law.) Read on to find out what else he discovered…”

Universalgirl reminds us of the importance of What my Words May Be Creating over at Law of Attraction Journey.

Gabriella Kortsch, asks us to Focus On What You Have and How You Can Make It An Asset saying, “If you look at your losses and perceived failures as something that will mess up your existence, something that will ruin your chances at success in whatever arena you are interested in, and focus on this aspect of your reality, you will find yourself with a self-fulfilling prophecy in your lap. When however, you think out of the box, and when you look at obstacles as something that can actually help you come up with novel ideas about how to use what you have in order to turn it into an asset, your life may take on a shape that. A different perspective.

I like the question Anastasia Kile asks What Do You Expect? and says just do something to show that you expect your desire to come to you.

Now one of the regulars to this carnival, Ralph Jean-Paul has written a fascinating article titled Hunter,Scavenger or Prey:Which Life Are You Living Ralph asks “Are you actively pursuing your goals or passively waiting around for them to come to you? Learn to how passionately achieve your goals with the skills of an efficient hunter.” I found this fascinating in the way Ralph has used the animal kingdom and their traits and habits to illustrate this concept. I particularly like: Practice Your Pounce! Another must read

Andrew discusses the Thomas Edison saying: “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” at Hard Work or a Secret Formula? Consistency and hard work are two of the least discussed methods for success these days. Much of today’s marketing and advertising is about selling a magic pill, a secret formula, or a newly discovered shortcut that will transform your life within a few minutes hours or days and poof you’ll reach your goal and live happily every after. Not being aware of this might distract you from the value of hard work which always leads to fulfilling lasting success.”

Frederic Patenaude provides us with a challenging check list for the starting the year How to Make 2008 the Healthiest Year of Your Life . I notice also the Frederic is a fan of The Five Tibetans, one of my morning exercise habits.

Thank you to everyone over the past 6 months for your wonderfully abundant posts. I feel I have made many new friends with so many regular contributors.

Namaste Suzie

The February Carnival will focus on Abundant Health: The spiritual, physical, and mental well being aspects of health. Details for submitting are at Blog

The carnival will be published on 14th and 28th of each month, with closing date of 10th and 24th of each month. Details at Blog Carnival

Photo by Suzie Cheel