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Welcome To  #9 SABs

Super Abundant Bloggers

Super Abundant Blogger.

The people chosen and their blogs will exemplify abundance, abundant thinking and generosity of spirit: they will also inspire me. They make a difference by what they do, and who they be.

Drum roll for this week’s SABS: This week features 3 Super Abundant Bloggers that build community in different ways around their blogs.


Zen Habits

Leo Babauta inspires me with his generous spirit and the way he shares so many tips that have simplified my life.

Yesterday his post, How to Make Gmail Your Ultimate Productivity Center finally had me biting the bullet and rationalizing my too many email boxes and using gmail to become productive.

Zen to Done is a great to get you started on simplifying your life. I am looking forward reading and reviewing Leo’s latest book The Power of Less, so far I haven’t been able to locate it here in Australia.

Want to start a new habit and keep it going join his community The Power of Less Challenge and get the support you need to create that new habit.


Ellie Walsh has hosted The Law of Attraction Blog Carnival and steered it through some changes in the past year to make it a quality monthly carnival.

Ellie and I met through this carnival and as of June we will be cohosting the carnival. I love visiting Ellie’s blog as well as being inspiring, it is always colorful and will brighten your day. Head on over to this link to read this month’s featured posts and get the link if you have a great LOA story for next month


Alex Blackwell I met when I started the The Abundance Thinking Carnival back in July 2007, since then I have been inspired by Alex’s writing and feel through his blog I know both him, Marybeth and his family. I love his encouragement and openess and he has built a community around his blog and now through facebook.


And here is the official SAB badge for these bloggers to choose to proudly display.


be inspired


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