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My Boundless Living 45 Day Challenge has been 21 Years in The Making.

On Friday I mentioned that I would tell you what I was doing for this 45 day challenge

Do you have something tucked away in a cupboard, on a shelf or even on your hard drive just waiting for the world to see?

I decided to tackle a “get around to it task” that I started 21 years ago. Bob suggested taking something on that maybe had stopped you in the past.

I had undertaken a post graduate course in Social Communication- you can read my story in The Achievers. This was a course that changed my life in many ways.

At that time I wrote and illustrated a book that one day I thought I would share with the world. The concept for the book was inspired by Virginia Satir’s book Self Esteem.

The Emergings Book

My book is called Emergings. – The emotions of change. I have been thinking for many years now about getting it published. Many things including my own procrastination have stopped me. It was also produced on a typewriter, before I was a regular computer user.. There are many pages to retype or scan in, another reason for the delay.

I have had many people, from trainers, psychologists, teachers and healers read it. Everyone has commented on how they would use it with clients etc. A sound reason to move ahead.

Initially someone suggested a Coffee Table style book. That didn’t sit comfortably with me. I felt that would limit the reach of the book and be an expensive book that might end up in a remainder bin:-)

Most recently when I was in Vancouver I had a teacher Brigitte look at it and she got quite excited and gave me new ideas about publishing it and promoting it online.

The Boundless Living Challenge provided the catalyst and the time frame to complete this book and share it with the world. The goal is to have it published online by 4th September and I am looking to maybe launch a hard copy at Blog World.

Come and Join this amazingly supportive community if you have something tucked away that the world would love to see. It is a great way to put Law of Attraction to work.