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Gratitude        (C) Suzie Cheel

Gratitude (C) Suzie Cheel

What are you grateful for today?

The Law of Attraction Carnival at Living the Law of Attraction focus this week is on appreciation and gratitude.

Being Grateful and Showing Appreciation are fundamental in using the Law of Attraction in all areas of your life. All the writings and teachers of LOA suggest stasting your day by being grateful raises ones vibes. Start with the small things and make a list each day.

Today at Living The Law of Attraction Ellie Walsh has written:

A heart filled with appreciation and gratitude has no room for discord. If, everyday you deliberately looked for things to appreciate – deliberately took count of all the things you are grateful for in your life. Your vibration would be filled with love and joy and that is exactly what you would be living.

These words are worth mediating on and can be used for reflection as can the carnival entries

I submitted my Beach Notes post Abundance Comes From Feeling Grateful, There were only 4 entries that were on topic for this great carnival. Contact Ellie if you would like to have a specific LOA topic featured or even to host a carnival.

I start each day by being grateful for 10 things in my life and end my day writing down 5 ways abundance has shown up in my life that day?

So what are you grateful for today? Who and what do you appreciate?